Tuesday 17 July 2012

Resource Chemistry(Kimia Sumber)

hye bloggers..sekarang ne ak mmg kompem2 dah pegy UNIMAS tuu..xkire la..ape nk jd,jd klau dpt twaran lain akan consider sriusly ak dh jatuh cinta dgn kimia sumber nee..ha,ak buat post ne sbnarnya nk crita psal KIMIA SUMBER jer..hehe..sbb ak tahu pasti rmai yg xtahu psal kos ne...act,ne kos baru n stahu ak kat UNIMAS je yg ade kos ne..u lain xde kot..wallahualam laa..act.KIMIA SUMBER ne meluas sgt.nama lg sumber so byk la sumber yg kita kena kaji kan..kos me lebih kpd buat research kot..ha,korunk bace ne"

Department of Chemistry is currently offering one academic programme for its undergraduate study, Resource Chemistry. This programme is designed as a central discipline in the study of resource science. Students will be taught various sub-discipline of chemistry with adequate coverage, so graduates will have a broad understanding of the relevance of chemistry. The programme has been designed to equip students with knowledge and expertise needed to undertake an analytical approach in research of natural resources for sustainable exploitation. Such skills will enhance the nation's research capabilities in utilising our rich natural resources."haha..korunk fhm x??klau xfhm buat2 la fham..ak pon copy paste plak senarai topik yg akan dipelajari..

-Combinatorial Chemistry
-Informatics Chemistry & Research Technique
-Medicinal Chemistry
-Environmental Management System
-Natural Product Chemistry
-Petroleum Chemistry
-Biomacromolecule Chemistry
-Industrial Chemistry
-Forensic Chemistry
-Chemical Engineering Principles

haha..its all about chemistry..boleh muntah kimia ak topik2 ne sume agak menarik kan..yg pling mnrik bg ak medicinal n forensic jer..hehe..yg pling ak xska..hurmm..chemical engineering priciple kot..sbb dye engineering..hehe.yg lain tuu just xpelah..xcba xtahu kan..klau bab pekerjaan pulak ak rase dengan kos KIMIA SUMBER ne blh jd ahli forensik,ahli farmasi blh keje kat petronas pon boley since blaja topik petroleum kan.. dan byk lg kot..tgk la pulak topik2 tuu.hehe..mungkin kos KIMIA SUMBER ne kos yg pling ssh dlm byk2 bidang kimia ak la...wallaualam..hehe..ya allah!bersediakah aku?????bantu ak ya allah!amin..insyallah ak akan buat yg terbaik dan buktikan kpd smua org yg ak boleh berjaya..doakan kjyaan ak jgk kwn2..=)